Event Description
Title: “The Cupid Project: Spreading Love One Greeting Card at a Time”
Overview (Short Paragraph):
“The Cupid Project is an annual card-giving initiative designed to combat loneliness among nursing home residents on Valentine’s Day. Many seniors have lost their spouses, receive few or no visitors, and experience chronic loneliness that negatively affects their physical and emotional well-being. By organizing a card-making event, we can bring communities and workplaces together to create heartfelt messages, reminding seniors that they are cared for and not forgotten.”
Why It Matters (Key Points):
Over 1.2 million older adults in nursing homes, with many receiving no regular visitors.
Loneliness is tied to serious health issues (heart disease, cancer growth, memory decline).
A small act of kindness—like a handmade card—can have an enormous impact on someone’s day.
Raise awareness of senior loneliness.
Inspire participants to engage in a philanthropic activity.
Deliver personal, thoughtful Valentine’s Day cards to nursing home residents.